Double brush for mud and shoe cleaning
Double fibres to polish and mud removing. beech wood support, bristle and nylon
Mud brush
Beech wood support, bristlefibre mixed nylon for mud removing
Shoe brush bristle, oval
Polish brush, beech wood support, brislte fiber
Shoe brush bristle, rectangualr
Polish brush, beech wood support, brislte fiber, 108 tuft
Shoe brush bristle, rectangualr
Polish brush, varnished beech wood support, brislte fiber, 135 tuft
Shoe brush bristle, small
Polish brush, beech wood support, brislte fiber, small
Shoe brush bristle, travel
Polish brush, beech wood support, brislte fiber, travel
Shoe brush bristle, with handle
Plastic support with handle, bristle fibre
Shoe brush synthetic, with handle
Plastic support with handle, synthetic filaments
Shoe polish brush horse hair
Varnished beech wood support, horse hair, extra version
Shoe polish brush, curved top
Curved beech wood support, bristle fibre
Shoe polish brush, horse hair
Varnished beech wood support, horse hair